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DSSA Monica Majok Founder


My Father (r.i.p) is my inspiration and is my hero. He is the little voice inside my head that tells me, "nothing is impossible" and through this mindset; with everything that I have set to do in life...if its not challenging enough: I simply do not want to be part of it. With that said, developing my country with my fellow South Sudanese citizens and the rest of the world is the passion, inspiration, desire and the challenge I have set for my future. We want to start this journey by developing our community here in Australia and then replicating this back home. 

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

DSSA is the platform I would like to use to impact change in South Sudan. It's easy to stand alone and say this is my project/business I want for South Sudan but it's achievable in a much faster process when you put two or more heads together. By creating a platform where South Sudanese individuals can connect with each other and work but more effectively network with the Australian professionals in each industry to help implement strategies and systems that we can use to achieve each of our plans, goals and dreams in Australia and South Sudan. 

Founder & Co- President|Architect


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


I consider myself one of the very few generation of South Sudanese to be given a unique opportunity to come to Australia and begin a new life. One that is different to the limited opportunities our people gain back home. It was this that pushed me through the many challenges I face growing up and altered my life decisions in gaining Tertiary qualifications and joining the Australian Defence Force. 

How you'd want Impact Change for South Sudan:

Young people always hold the key to a prosperous society as they have the energy and  desire to initiate ideas and projects for the future. My aspiration for South Sudan is to see a country that provides a myriad of opportunities for its people to contribute to the  betterment of its society; a country that is based on hard work, respect and team work. We are the generation that must lay the foundations of a fully functional society through projects and experiences learnt. My indication is that through hard work, respect and team work we can achieve our dreams. 

Australian Defence Force. Signalman


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


Growing up in Australia, I've always had my motherland roots attached to me. My inspiration is the voice of the people. We have been through so much but we have not been heard or studied. 

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

My passion for writing developed through storytelling. Grandma and grandpa are the best at story telling, through this childhood hobby; my imagination grew and I wanted to be able to write as well as they presented/told stories to us each night. Being the youngest country in world, I know that our stories are being told but being told incorrectly. They are projecting a 'south sudan' for their media purposes. I want to be a voice for my country and my goal is to connect with other creative individuals through DSSA and build Libraries, bookstores and  performing platforms where we can continue the dream of 'storytelling'. 



DSSA Majok Majok Co-President


I've been inspired by my life's journey, the things that I have faced and been able to work through. My family and playing basketball have strengthen me. All these drive me to want to become a better person and to create success in all aspects of life.

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

I'd like to have an impact in building and uniting South Sudan through Basketball. 

Basketball changed my life,  its a unity: a great way to bring people together, put smiles on children faces. My urge and desire  is to use basketball to create genuine opportunities for our future generations and make South Sudanese recognised world wide. The initiative of DSSA is to unite us and help us network with the broader world to be able to achieve our desired dreams and goals for South Sudan.

Co- President|NBL Player


DSSA Majok Majok Co-President


I loved Law; its study and academic gained after its completion. I've wanted to be in a position where I could positively contribute  to the Development of South Sudan.

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

I'm very passionate about the empowerment of all South Sudanese in all aspects of life, whether being political, social, economic and/or cultural rights and development. We will enjoy peace and unity upon realisation of our natural rights. Our people must acquire the necessary skills and education to support and empower independent thinking. Education is the key to development in South Sudan; we must value the Doctors and Lawyers but also the Labourers and Construction workers. 



DSSA Majok Majok Co-President


Like every other individual, education played a huge part in shaping us into the young professionals that we are today. Coming from South Sudan, we have been able to utilise the opportunities that have presented themselves to us in Australia.​ 

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

South Sudan lack the high enforced security systems that we have the luxury of here in Australia. Being able to learn, experience and gain knowledge in this field has been highly rewarding. I look forward to taking my skills back home and working on systems and plans that will be secure our community and our country in general. Being able to then give back and teach the younger generation about different professions and jobs titles out there is another main goal I'd like to tackle. With a platform like DSSA, I hope many of us see this through. 

International Security| Intelligence & Counter-Terrorism


DSSA Jok Madol Managing Director


We've worked hard in hopes to one day go back and use our skills and knowledge to contribute back home. Now we have the next generations millennials who are ready to unite and work together to better our country. This in itself is inspiration enough, to be part of and to assist in key areas towards the successful formation of strategies and systems in South Sudan. 

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

With such great advancement in the world, our goal is to work towards having South Sudan on a notable scale to the world whether its in infrastructure or technology.  When we set the foundations right and engage with rightful companies, most of the goals and dreams of our South Sudanese individuals can be made true. We are all aspiring to make our country great and step by step we will get there. 

Managing Director| Senior Project Manager


DSSA Jok Madol Managing Director


One can work in the accounting/finance department of various industries; there are so many alternatives. I want South Sudan to flourish into a country where everyone gets equal opportunities, has access to education and health services.

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

By beginning with my own children and showing them the significance of education and how it can shape them to become contributory members to society.



DSSA Jok Madol Managing Director


Becoming an Engineer was my childhood dream and I was also motivated by the rebuilding of my country after years of war.

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

Looking forward to being able to take my professional training home to work on some exciting projects in South Sudan and give back to the people . I have a huge interest in giving back to the Victims of war especially the amputees of the 1983-2005 war who have lost one or more part of their bodies. 

Civil Engineer



I graduated from high school at a very special time in 2011 when South Sudan (SS) just gained independence. At that point, I was stuck between studying Architecture and Engineering. However, after discovering Regional Development and Town Planning, I figures that this was my calling in order to go back home and/to set strategic and sustainable plans

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

South Sudan is blessed with talent and opportunities. The struggle for self-determination is not going to be forgotten.  As our late Dr. Garang said, "it is the people who must be very productive in order to make their government strong". I want to see South Sudanese take the initiative to farm, start businesses and use their education and God given talent to support the nation; we all need to be busy working together and not talking politics. I'd like to lead by example, my objective is to return back to SS and demonstrate to our people that the future is bright. I will use my skills to empower people. I look forward to working with local people to establish sustainable guides and plan towns that work for all.

Urban Planner 



Growing up as a curious child, I felt like I was born loving science. Throughout primary school and continued studies in Australia, my passion for science grew. Apart from the academic drive; my dad mentored and disciplined me which played a big part in making this dream come true since I was going to be the first generation Doctor in the family tree. 

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

I've visited South Sudan numerous times and I always leave with sadness, the lack of proper and basic health infrastructure. We have some great Doctors but the expenses, medications and cost for treatments do not suffice to our people as they lack a stable source of income. I'd like to impact change by firstly, building a hospital with decent infrastructure that can help patients and make it free, if not affordable. Secondly, build the University of Juba medical library and last but not least, network with all my doctor friends so that at least once a year; we come together and go to South Sudan to provide free care to those in need. Lastly, I've made a few friends in medical school who know people in the second hand medical equipment sector, I'd love to connect them with South Sudan to help purchase or donate medical equipments. 




I believe my love and passion science came almost purely through my learning and experiences at school combined with, when asked at a young age "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I would always picture myself in a hospital setting or a laboratory.

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

From my last visit to South Sudan (SS) about 5 years  ago, the state of the country and the people was and is still heartbreaking. So for SS, I want to see increase in prosperity, which can be achieved by diversifying private sector-led sustainable development and economic growth, which can then improve livelihood and reduce poverty. I also want an enhanced quality of life for all South Sudanese by making basic social services, such as healthcare accessible to all. Putting an end to the gap in the healthcare factor is my passion. I'd like to close this gap by working with other professionals from different sectors and aim to build a better health care system in South Sudan and make it more accessible and affordable. 

Microbiology Analyst


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


I strongly believe in the scripture passage "To whom much is given much is required" (Luke 12:48) which leads me to believe that my presence in this world and the opportunities that I have been blessed to have in life are for a greater purpose. I believe that I have a mandate to advocate for those whose human rights are violated and to contribute to the creation of a more peaceful world. This belief has led me down the academic road of humanities (specifically human rights education and practice). I have a desire to make a positive impact in the world both here in Australia and South Sudan

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

The power of education to impact positive change. As my inspiration Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". I believe that the greatness of South Sudan lies in our ability to develop a society were all citizens have equal access to educational opportunities regardless of their gender, tribe, religion etc. South Sudan's education and health system are at an appalling status but I believe we all have the responsibility to address this so that we can tip the scales in a more positive direction. In 

Australia, I'm contributing to the creation of a more harmonious society through various platforms: area of education (as a Sessional Academic at Curtin University), research projects and my training and consulting company (Diversity Focus).

Diversity Consultant| Researcher| Sessional Academic


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


Ever since I can remember, my parents have always wanted the best for me. Whether it was in school, sports or any other field, they were always there to support me through it all. I knew how important it was for them to see me succeed, I chose a profession that they would agree with and one that will not only help me but our wider a community. Accounting for me was an educational accomplishment for and to fulfill my parents dreams thus using this as a stepping stone for bigger and better things. Basketball is a passion, I love the sport and it's been part of my life for a long time and I'd like to continuing playing at the highest level possible. Basketball has provided so much for my family and I have enjoyed the moments, people, friends, connections and experiences I've gained from it.

How you'd want Impact Change for South Sudan:

I'd love to make change by teaming up with up with like minded individuals and working towards developing projects that would help in the education, health and infrastructure sectors in South Sudan; actively engaging in the teaching, building and assisting of these projects by being there and seeing them through. Being part of a progressive South Sudan where we all come together as one to eradicate the issues that are holding us back such as corruption, famine, health; and to start working on shining light in greater doings such as education, infrastructure and the development of our country. 

Accountant| Athlete


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


My initial motive was wealth and living a lavish lifestyle like every other idol I looked up to. After extensive work experience and the rude awakening of my own reality, I realised with hard work come impact. I used my struggles as a window persevere. Opportunity is scarce, especially if it's moulded for you, you must grasp it. I pray, meditate and I scream, all the while not doing anything to pedal my hopes. I realised, you cannot ask God for a bike when you don't know how to ride a bike. I became what I feared, my true self. I stepped out of my comfort zone and became the woman I feared. My inspiration comes from my older brother and my parents; they paved the way for me.

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

My main focus is on helping women and children to emancipate themselves from the absurd traditional norms. I want to educate the young girls and women about abuse, mental health, physical health & general wellbeing. I initially studied English as my major to enable my teaching skills in hopes to go back home and teach. After my unsuccessful attempt, I've decided to create and introduce Project B.O.Y 'Based On You' - an informative blog for all genders, a project that will undertake individual portfolios and cater to individuals on a personal level. B.O.Y aims to recruit Africans of all genders/ages/sex to battle general problems on the ground of one app. For instance, you create an account that will enable you to update and include your motive and your outcome. You can befriend a fellow member if they are specialised in the same field; that way users are intertwining based on their selected subject. B.O.Y an app that connects individuals around the world.

Banker - Mortgage Servicing NAB


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


My inspiration in Architecture was fueled by my parents, especially my dad. Growing up in a big family, my dad had a lot of property in Sudan & South Sudan which we usually renovate every weekend and listed them on the the market for sale completion. I was young then I could barely move a cement bag, however that was the challenge I faced from a young age. As a result, my passion for Architecture just grew to a point where it's now a natural talent.  

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

Starting from myself, family & friends to be open minded towards the opportunities that we have in South Sudan. We have so many talented South Sudan individuals around the world which is the core ingredient towards developing South Sudans future.  Our leaders have failed to sustain their role in educating and assisting one another. With all our ego's and tribalism left aside, will have significant impact in creating a path for others and the younger generations. 'Great leaders inspire their people to reach higher, dream bigger and achieve greater. Perhaps the most important leaderships skill you can develop is the ability to provide inspiration to your country and one another'. Having the opportunity to live in Australia is a blessing that we cannot take for granted.

Architect| Architectural Designer


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


Social work is something that I have always had a passion for. My inspiration to become a social worker is that I get to be the person who can change someone's life for the better. You may not get an acknowledgement every time you help and individual overcome a difficulty in their life but to know that you were part of the process that made a difference in that individuals life is a great reward. Social work teaches you the value of things, you get to stand up for human rights and social justice. 

How you'd want Impact Change for South Sudan:

Over the years, I've learnt that time is much more important than money. What you do with your time will aid you to become a successful, more productive and a better-off person. I would like to make an impact by helping others, by giving my time, energy and knowledge into the right foundations. Secondly, I would like to promote consciousness of social justice issues by cultivating and empowering the most vulnerable, marginalised and underrepresented people in our country. I would like to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals affected by poverty, isolation and oppressions; individuals who are living with limited resources. I want to see change, peace, unity and development for South Sudan. If we can unite, we can create change and make the impossible possible. 

Social Worker


DSSA Monica Majok Founder


The struggles that we have faced with our families and as individuals gradually push us in wanting to better ourselves and take on opportunities. Through hard work and dedication we can achieve the goals and dreams that our past generation didn't have the opportunity of pursuing. I aim to help set the pathway for the future generation and seeing them set the right foundations and systems as they are all crucial parts in wanting to make this world a better place. Networking and collaboration range deeply into my skills sets and I vow to drive the different avenues for the best outcomes.

How you'd want to Impact Change for South Sudan:

By joining hands and contributing on a platform that is much bigger than 'oneself'. We have to dismiss the boundaries of the negative mindset, tribalism etc into a much positive and motivational standard in which we can thrive and succeed in. We all want to see a better South Sudan; economically stable, integrated infrastructure, enhanced living lifestyles and the list goes on. In order for us to be able to achieve these goals, we must be willing to stand together and contribute towards the right steps into turning them into realities. South Sudan, East Africa and Africa overall have a lot to offer, implementing the right strategies and procedures can help us drive our economical status extensively. Venturing into businesses, production, manufacturing all allow us to create employment opportunities, facilitate training programs and overall develop a country that relies on its own production as oppose to the aid of other countries.

Business Director - East Africa



Adut Dhol Acuil

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology, Criminology & Justice)

Edith Cowan University 

Clinical Assistant Project Researcher


As a compassionate and driven individual my inspiration in life is to help those that cannot help themselves and make a difference in their lives. Completing my studies has expanded my knowledge and caused me to analyse human beings from and internal aspects whilst being able to look at the social constructs and issues. My current role has allowed me to critically think and summarise suitable conclusions about prisoners and programs that are suitable for them. As a Clinical Researcher, it is vital to comprehend how the courts and police work together to help the community by dettering crime; this role has allowed me to gain experience, conduct extensive research, provide core ideas that can further support the lives of prisoners and deter them from reoffending and respond critically to society's must pressing issues. 

What would you like to see for South Sudan?

I see South Sudan as a blessed land; from all the struggle that we have undergone, I truly believe the future is bright and the opportunities are endless. I see unification and flourishment for all South Sudanese; all around the world, I see young South Sudanese working hard and following their dreams. From Lawyers, Actors, Basketballers, Pyschologists, Nurses, SConstruction workers, Chefs, Beauticians etc. their are many career paths being pursued by our South Sudanese people and I am beyond excited to watch it all manifest in our country because the future is ours and we are the ones that will make a difference. 

How would you like to impact Change?

I'd like to impact change in so many different ways, however most prominent of all is to be able to help those individuals in South Sudan that are neglected and overlooked simply for being different...there's many stigmas attached that I would like to break. I envision a  prosperous South Sudan, from safe roads, structured and expanded prisons, hospitals and orphanages, housing, electricity for all, accessible water and food for all citizens.  

Isaac Garang

Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)

Murdoch University 

Marketing Consultant 


As a creative individual I saw that Marketing complements my character. It allows you to be innovative and push boundaries. 

What would you like to see for South Sudan?

I want to see the creation of employment opportunities for our people in South Sudan, as well as creating a South Sudan where the young generations are proactive and entrepreneurial minded. 

How would you like to impact Change?

I would like to start a grass roots program which mentors youth: South Sudanese kids in Australia from primary school to university. It will look to teach them about the importance of networking and how to tap into their potential. The program will hope to create leaders by bridging the gap between the younger Southern Sudanese, the older South Sudanese as well as the wider Australia. The enhanced communication will create stronger relationships and togetherness when tackling social issues. Such a program will later be replicated in South Sudan. 







Paith Machut

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Peace and Development)

Western Sydney University 

C​ommunity Worker


I'm passionate about human rights and equality. I think that every individual in this planet earth has the right to have basic living standards, I want our people back home to be able to have the option of experiencing these standards. Unfortunately, most do not have such luxury, down to simple things such as clean water. This human rights issue and many others have greatly influence me into gaining knowledge and experience in social sciences, in hopes to being part of the solutions.

What would you like to see for South Sudan?

I'd like to see us spread the message of unity and peace around South Sudan; to end the misunderstanding the and the retaliation of violence. There are many systems and procedures that we can lay down as the avenues to better communication and understanding between tribes, communities, generations and our Country as a whole. 

How would you like to impact Change?

I'd like to impact change through education and advocating. Education is a great tool of empowerment for our people.  While advocating peace, another key area of focus is ending the ongoing conflicts in South Sudan

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Amina Raina Malual

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Desired Profession: Director of Media/The Arts


I've always had a keen eye for art, however it wasn't until I was thrown into the melting point of rich creativity; more formally known as Africa, that my passion was truly activated. From vibrant ceramic vases to oddly shaped trinkets and abandoned materials transformed into marvellous sculptures. I found myself exposed to a wealth of originality I had almost forgotten. To this day, where I come from and who I am is the driving force of my art practise. As I travel through my degree, I've come to understand that Art is not only a form of expression but more importantly a way of documenting and preserving experiences. With such wealth of creativity and skills in South Sudan, its only right that the stories and affairs are documented by the people who know it best, us. 

What would you like to see for South Sudan?

I envision a South Sudan where there are platforms for creatives to develop and showcase their talent on the national and global stage. With opportunity to build our country through infrastructure, education, networks and collaborations; it's only right that we create a media platform to share our ideas, our stories and multifaceted ideas with the rest of the world. 

How would you like to impact Change?

Upon the completion of my degree, I plan on combining forces with other graduates in different fields to completely re-define/re-image the prospects of SSTV and bridge the gap for aspiring writers, artists and film makers across our rich nation. A television network which is not only up to standard but also highly progressive is just one of the things a a forward thinking nation deserves. That is why I hope to create lasting connections between South Sudanese creatives from Australia and creatives back home to establish an environment brimming with originality and forward thinking. 


Aluel Maker Majok

Bachelor of Psychology

Curtin University 

Desired Profession: Doctor


Being a Doctor takes commitment, I've always had the desire to help those that are mentally ill, as this form of illness is usually disregarded in most countries. It takes more than one hand to help those in need, and I am looking forward to doing many good deeds.

What would you like to see for South Sudan?

It'd be great to see the people who have the platform to make a change in South Sudan carry the work out. Whether its providing food/water, building shelters or opening up care facilities: every small change counts. South Sudan needs to be built sustainably; the needs of the people need to be met without jeopardising the needs of future generations. 

How would you like to impact Change?

In the hopes of being a future Psychiatrist, I would like to raise awareness about mental illness so that it is taken as serious as it is. I'm ambitious about reducing the stigma that is held by some South Sudanese, as well as reduce the amount of misdiagnosis that occur. Owning and developing psychiatric hospitals in South Sudan is one of the many outstanding hindrance I'd like to tackle, in hopes of impacting change.  



Nyichour Machol Maguruk

Paramedical Science

Australian Paramedical College 

Desired Profession: Paramedic


Being a ​Paramedic is an exhilarating job. The sensation of going into work everyday, without the knowledge of what obstacles lie ahead excites me. Although the job is not all about saving lives, it is a major part of it and it is always what I have been passionate about. I want to be able to help others and making a difference in their lives, sometimes even the only difference. In doing that, I am also impacting the community and ensuring public safety. The inspiration lies in easing suffering, whether I make a difference in curing someone's illness or injuries; relieving their pain, comforting and seeing them back on their feet is what makes me want to work hard to achieve this goal and implement and give back to my country. 

What would you like to see for South Sudan?

I want South Sudan to be at peace, for all of us to get along without the significance of blaming each other. A country where you can be and do whatever it is that one aspires to be regardless of their status, gender or tribe. A country where everyone's human rights are respected. A country where education and healthcare are readily available to all who seek it. 

How would you like to impact Change?

My vision is to impact change in anyway that I can. I love helping people, not just in one aspect or my chosen career choice; I love a challenge and being able to do many different things. My dream is to work as a Paramedic in South Sudan as emergency response is very scarce while also pursuing the aspirations of helping others by educating them in the medical field. Setting up programmes for appropriate trainings and creating employment opportunities. 

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"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organisational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." -- Andrew Carnegie



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